You can find the rezoning application _______.
This is a legislative decision, if there is a conflict of interest (being a financial interest) a board member may not vote but is allowed to participate in the discussion. Conditions cannot be placed on a rezoning decision. Spot zoning is determined and avoided if identified. A Plan Consistency Statement will be provided by staff and signed by the Town for every rezoning hearing at each board meeting. The application first goes to the Planning Board for recommendation and then to Council for final approval. Notification letters are required to be sent to all the adjacent property owners. A sign has to be placed no less than ten (10) or more than twenty-five (25) days before the hearing date. After the final vote, a zoning decision will be delivered (via email, personal delivery or first class mail) to the applicant.
The Planning Board and Town Council may consider the following when deciding: Impact on neighbors and neighborhood, traffic, environment, utilities, suitability of land, harmony with area, schools, economic impact, tax base increase, spot zoning created, road capacity, adequate infrastructure, community opinion, property values, consistency with the Land Use Plan, future land use map, jobs, public services, buffering requirements (if applicable), environmental impact, site limitations, and consistency with plans and prior decisions. The Board cannot consider ethnicity, income, affordable housing, owner versus renter housing, or who the owner is when deciding.